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Romanesque Capitel of King David with musicians
In the Romanesque period, music was above all associated with prayer and psalms and was destined to give glory to God. Sacred music occupies an important place in the Middle Ages, both for individuals and religious communities.
Sculptures and paintings from Romanesque churches are there to testify to this. Musical instruments frequently accompany certain characters, such as David, the elders of Revelation or the angels.
Master of celestial music, King David is the presumed author of the 150 psalms, recited or sung, which make up one of the books of the Bible.
King David is most often depicted sitting, playing the harp. He is sometimes alone, or accompanied by an acrobat, or by another musician, for example a player of vièle (also called vielle or viola), and sometimes represented with a horn or chime.
Height: 78 cm.
Width: 80 cm.
Depth: 48 cm.
Weight: 40 Kg.
Museum: Diocesan Museum of Jaca
Material: reconstituted marble
Editor: Temarte S. L.