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Bouquet of roses
Bouquet of roses
Bouquet of roses
Bouquet of roses
Bouquet of roses
Bouquet of roses
Bouquet of roses
Bouquet of roses
Bouquet of roses
Bouquet of roses

Bouquet of roses

VAT included

A bouquet of roses composed of seven roses joined by a rope and placed on a solid iron support, the roses are mixed, some open and others in the form of buds.
Everything is handmade.
Wrought iron roses can be placed in any display case, buffet or place in the house that you want to decorate with a unique and original work of art.
You can make it the central decorative element of your room, and it will require no maintenance.


Height: 44 cms 
Width: 30 cms
Depth: 30 cms
Weight: 4 Kg
Material: Wrought iron

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