Roman statues

Diadumenos - life-size statue
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The Diadoumenos is a statue in the round dated from the 5th century BC, in the middle of the classical period (490-338 BC), originally in bronze, the only ones that have survived are those in marble. This statue is that of a naked young athlete, standing, leaning on his right leg, left leg slightly carried backwards; with his arms raised, the athlete...
Venus de Medici - life-size statue
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Dimensions Height: 159 cm. Width: 50 cm.Depth: 40 cm.Weight: 60 Kg.Material: reconstituted marble (marble dust + high density resin).
Torso de Belvedere
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Greek Statues

Belvedere torso - Life-size.

The famous marble torso, the original of which is made of marble, known in Rome since the 15th century, entered the Vatican collections between 1530 and 1536 and became one of the most admired ancient sculptures by artists to this day. Over the centuries, this statue has been interpreted in different ways. The most common hypothesis currently followed...
Ceres - life-size statue - roman goddess of agriculture
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Dimensions Height: 180 cm. Width: 60 cm.Depth: 40 cm.Weight: 80 Kg.Material: reconstituted marble (marble dust + high density resin).
Athena life-size statue - greek goddess of Wisdom
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Dimensions Height: 190 cm. Width: 65 cm.Depth: 40 cm.Weight: 80 Kg.Material: reconstituted marble (marble dust + high density resin).
Torso de Samotracia
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Greek Statues

Torso victory of Samothrace - statue

Dimensions Height: 134 cm. Width: 54 cm.Depth: 62 cm.Weight: 60 KgMaterial: reconstituted marble (marble dust + high density resin).
Esquiline Venus - life-size statue
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Roman statues

Esquiline Venus - life-size statue

Dimensions Height: 147 cm. Width: 44 cm.Depth: 44 cm.Weight: 60 KgMaterial: reconstituted marble (marble dust + high density resin).
Venus de la Flor
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Roman statues

Venus de la Flor

Dimensions Height: 183 cm. Width: 50 cm.Depth: 70 cm.Weight: 80 KgMaterial: reconstituted marble (marble dust + high density resin).
Diana de Gabies - Full-size statue by Praxitele - Roman Goddess of the Hunt and Moon
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Our statue of the Roman goddess Diana of Gabies or Artemis of Gabies is a life-size replica of the prototype of a Greek statue attributed to Praxiteles, perhaps it was the Artemis Brauronia of Athens which was erected on the Acropolis of Athens around the 4th century BC (around 330 BC). The goddess Artemis for the Greeks or Diana for the Romans is the...
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