Greek busts
Characteristics of the Bust of the Venus de Milo, Louvre Museum:
Height: 65 cm.
Width: 42 cm.
Material: white plaster.
Other available materials: resin, reconstituted stone.
Available patinas: bronze, terracotta, marble, wood, polychrome, gilded, stone, or diorite. Contact us for prices of our patinas (variable according to the desired color).
Characteristics of the Bust of the Venus de Milo, Louvre Museum:
Height: 42 cm.
Material: white plaster.
Other available materials: resin, reconstituted stone.
Available patinas: bronze, terracotta, marble, wood, polychrome, gilded, stone, or diorite. Contact us for prices of our patinas (variable according to the desired color).
Artisanal reproduction...
Classical Greek Art
Bust of the Venus of Martres after Praxiteles, replica of the Aphrodite of Cnidus,...
Characteristics of the Bust of the Venus of Martres after Praxiteles, replica of the Aphrodite of Cnidus, Saint-Raymond Museum:
Height: 55 cm.
Material: white plaster.
Other available materials: resin, reconstituted stone.
Available patinas: bronze, terracotta, marble, wood, polychrome, gilded, stone, or diorite. Contact us for prices of our patinas...
Bust of Poseidon in bronze from Cape Artemisium, National Archaeological Museum of Athens
Bronze and Mystery: Unveiling the Enigma of the Bust of the God of Cape Artemision
The God of Cape Artemision is an almost intact bronze sculpture, measuring 209 cm in height and dating back to 460 B.C. It is an extraordinary work not only due to its antiquity but also because of its exceptional preservation. Discovered fortuitously by fishermen in 1928,...
Bust of Poseidon in bronze from Cape Artemisium, National Archaeological Museum of Athens
Bronze and Mystery: Unveiling the Enigma of the Bust of the God of Cape Artemision
The God of Cape Artemision is an almost intact bronze sculpture, measuring 209 cm in height and dating back to 460 B.C. It is an extraordinary work not only due to its antiquity but also because of its exceptional preservation. Discovered fortuitously by fishermen in 1928,...