Egyptian art
While still abiding by the strict rules dictated by religions considerations, Egyptian art adopted under the impulse of Amenophis IV Akhenaton (18th Dynasty) a style as revolutionary as the monotheist dogma promulgated by the Pharaoh.
As a vehicle for his thought, the image used by the king is not limited to that of the solar orb, Aton, the only god...
Egyptian art
Bust of Nefertiti Queen Pharaoh of Egypt and wife of Akhenaten, Egyptian Museum in Cairo.
Egyptian art
Statuette of King Pharaoh of Egypt Amenhotep IV, or Akhenaten tenth pharaoh of the...
Egyptian art
Head of Merytaten, Princess of Egypt, Daughter of Akhenaten and Nefertiti, Cairo Museum.
Egyptian art
Head of the Pharaoh King of Egypt Psametik III represented in the form of the god Osiris.
Statuette of Seated Egyptian Scribe - A Glimpse into Ancient Egypt
Discover the World of Ancient Egyptian Scribes
Welcome to the world of ancient Egypt, where the written word held immense power, and the guardians of knowledge were the scribes. This exquisite statuette, a replica of an original masterpiece, offers you a captivating glimpse into this...
The Statue of Nectanebo II under the Blessing of Horus: The Sacred Alliance.
Pharaoh Nectanebo II: History of His Heritage and Reign
Nectanebo II, an illustrious pharaoh of the XXX dynasty, holds a unique place in Egyptian history due to a reign characterized by monumental achievements. As the heir to a prestigious line of Egyptian rulers, his ascent to...
Height: 43 cm.Width: 27 cm.Material: White patinated plaster.In stockDelivery time: Delivery within 7 days to 15 daysThis reproduction is available for sale in plaster, polyester resin or reconstituted stone, and patinated (or not) in bronze, terracotta, marble,...